Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year? Yes, Happy New Year!!!

*cough* *cough*

This place has become quite dusty. Well anyway, Happy New Year folks! I hope everyone's hangovers are over ha ha ha!

Anyway, I've been contemplating on what to post on the site for quite a while now. But I've been having one of these er.. writer's blocks, and when I do get ideas bubbling up from the dark muck-filled marsh known as my brain, I procrastinate long enough to forget em. And here we are, almost a year since the last post.


So yeah back to good parts, I've been playing iRO a lot the past few days. My swordsman has grown into quite a knight since the last post about iRO. And my crappy equipment became even less crappy!

(but it's still quite shitty though.. :)) )

(Reference:  HERE )

(more after the break ->)