Thursday, October 29, 2009

RO guide: The Dimensional Gorge...

Hoarse, dark laughter echoes from the curtain of shadow cast by the crimson moon.
"Blood is the currency of the soul," a voice whispers… The haunting whisper escorts the red moon as it descends to earth.
The desert sand is soaked in blood shed by the resurrected Satan.
As the gap of darkness rises from hell, every semblance of safety and sanctuary seems to vanish.
The omen of destruction blooms in the darkness of night in the cold desert.
The evil that can twist the delicate fabric of time and space looms across the land: the greatest peril that the Midgard Continent will ever face has arrived.

The Dimensional Gorge. . .
(More after the break ->)
If you remember from one of my older posts, that I mentioned something about the Dimensional Gorge. Now I'm gonna explain where or what it is.

The Dimensional Gorge is the result of the resurrection of Satan Morroc. Because of his resurrection, the surrounding fields in the area have been distorted and is now home of many of his apparitions...

This post is about how to survive in there. If you're lucky, you might even strike it rich!
To start things of, you have to do a quest to get in the Dimensional Gorge. Refer to this link over here ->(Continental Guard Quest)

You don't actually have to kill Satan Morroc, you just need to finish the requirements until you and your friends can get in.

Once you have finished all the requirements, let's now talk about what to wear. Since this area is a high risk area and some of these monsters hurt like hell, you should be prepared to face them. With the proper equipment and party, this place will be a good place to earn zeny.

These are the necessary equipment:

-For the shield, Khalitzburg and Anubis compounded shields or Alice shield. (Alice shield is the best option since you don't need to change between the two.)
-For the armor, you need Pasana and Bathory armors. (I'll explain later.)
-For the garment, Raydric compounded garments is a must! If you have a Deviling garment, why not?
-For the weapons, it varies for every class. For the melee/ranged class, you need the specific racial/size weapon cards for a specific target. For Biochemists, any weapon that gives Int, Dex and Vit is nice. I'm not really a Mage type so I'm not sure about their weapons.

TIP: Overupped equipment will really help :D

Now to know who you're up against. . .

You have finished the requirements and now properly geared. It's time to know your foe!

Incarnation of Morroc (Golem type)

The Golem incarnation is quite the heavy hitter, he deals about 1000~2000 per hit depending on the your equipment and status. He also has 190,000 hit points, and is Shadow property, Medium sized, and is of the Demon Race. He often uses Magnum Break, this can kill you instantly when not wearing the proper gear.

-Wear Pasana armor and Khalitzburg shield(If you have Alice shield wear that instead of this.) He tends to Life Drain often, so you have to have Assumptio on. Kill him fast because at low HP he will use Earthquake, a skill that can and most likely will kill you.

-You can get Cross Shield [1] and Skin of Ventoss [1] from him. Both of them are extremely valuable!

Incarnation of Morroc (Human type)

This Incarnation has 143,000 HP and deals roughly the same as Golem. It has high flee and aspd, but has no one hit skills. But it does have Critical Wounds lvl 3, which reduces healing effectivity a lot. Partnered with it's high aspd it can slowly kill you. It also has Area Silence which can silence you and your party, preventing you  to use skills.

-The trick here is to have someone to tank it, then the tank has to be healed and assumptio'd constantly. Then kill it as fast as possible. You don't need specific Armors for this guy. Wear Khalitzburg Shield or Alice.

-You can get Cursed Hand[1] from this guy. It's an accessory that can cause Critical Wounds to your target when dealing physical melee attacks. This one is expensive also.

Incarnation of Morroc (Angel type)

This guy is a very tricky one to kill. He has 190,000 HP and deals roughly twice as Golem and Human. He has this skill called Grand Darkness that can kill you outright. He is Large sized, Shadow property, and Angel race.

-To be able to tank him, you need the bathory armor. It causes Grand Darkness to miss, this will really save your butt from getting murdered. There's nothing much you can do about it's high attack power, just wear Anubis or Alice shield. Keep Assumptio on all the time if you value your life.

-His valuable drops are, Diabolus Manteau, which is quite expensive, and Nemesis.

Incarnation of Morroc (Ghost type)

This guy has 150,000 HP and deals damage weaker than human and golem. The only advantage he has among the three incarnations is that he is Ghost property. Acid Bomb, Extremity Fist, Sacrifice and the other neutral element skills/attacks miss. To make matters worse, he has 9999 Heal that can heal the damage you just dealt to it and it's allies.

-You need someone that can hit it to kill it. Snipers and Minstrels are good examples of Ghost type killers. But there are many other classes that can kill it. I use my Lord Knight to kill it using Bowling Bash. And also, you have to hit it constantly to interupt it's 9999 heal. High Damage per second(DPS) is the key to victory.

-He drops Diabolus Ring[1], a very valuable accessory (1 billion in pRO: New Chaos). It also drops Exorcism Bible, I think it's expensive also.

You're companions. . .

 Though it is possible to solo at the Dimensional Gorge, doing it solo will drain you of your resources twice as much as when you are in party. Being in a party makes the job a whole lot easier and it makes a very fun activity for everyone.

I'm not here to tell you which ones can survive and which one cannot. But it is highly recommended that you be a transcendent class or be a well equipped 2nd job/expanded class. Priests are really essential in the party since dying is inevitable. Just have fun, because time flies by when your having fun. After a while, you might get something good.

Anyway, that's about it. Until next time~

"Are you ready to explore where evil awaits?"


yam said...

consitunice post kitty! =D kaso mukhang di tayo makakaganyang trip. :( knowing my equips... im gonna die. HAHAHA. :))

yam said...

wooops. may typo dahil sa word verification to leave comment. =P