Saturday, February 20, 2010


Life sucks :)) My computer finally broke down because of my constant abuse  it's old age. The hard disk was the only damaged part though, and it might take a bit more than a week to get a replacement.

But what sucks the most is that, all my recent screen shots and stuff are all in hell with my hard disk. I'm not sure if I can retrieve them, but it looks impossible. I guess it must be a sign that I shouldn't play online games that consume 2/3 of my life. (1/3 is devoted to sleeping and eating. lol.)

I can still play though, I'm borrowing my dad's computer for the meantime. I'm trying to gather new screen shots again to make a post, though I'm not sure anyone still reads this. (lol once again)

Anyway, to lighten up the mood around here..

Miku is just kawaii @__@

Now I guess, I'll just have to suck it up and be more of a manTT^TT. It's just one week, I think. I'll put up a new post once I get the new screen shots :)) But for now, I'll be crying like a baby in a corner.

Kenji, signing out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


update your blog. haha! your avid reader is waiting. :))