Tuesday, December 15, 2009

RO post: - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A -

"The controversial Bossnia Dungeon is open once again! So go boss hunt all you want! ^^

Don't forget to bring your boss hunting survival kits with you, get up to 70% on selected consumables from Dec.16 to 22 only.

(List of IM sale will be posted during maintenance period)

From Dec.16 to 22 only. smile.gif" - GM
 Source -> (LINK to Ragnaboards Announcement)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's back, non-stop boss hunting, sleep deprivation, caffeine overloads. Oh crap! This is like heaven woooooooo~

You guys will probably be seeing more of these soon...

More after the jump ->

And hopefully, another one of these

If ever you want to make a party, invite mehh pleash hahaha. I can go Paladin or Biochemist, maybe even Assassin Cross or Lord Knight.smile.gif    

Happy hunting, guys. Let's bring home the billions hahaha!

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