Tuesday, December 29, 2009

RO post: Update on the goals

On my last post, I made some goals for the last days of the EXP mod week. It was really a shame that I wasted the earlier days because I'm a lazy bum I was busy back then, but I tried to make the most of the remaining days by cram leveling.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

RO post: A boring exp mod week.

Since Bossnia ended, I had pretty much nothing to do except level up again using my other characters. I'm not really much of a fan of manual grinding, but it's a waste to just let the exp mod pass by without transcending a character.

Goals for the remainder of this week:

1) Get Blacksmith from level 96 to 99 in a day or two.

2) Get Kenji to 95 or higher.

3) Get the priest to 9x. 99 if possible.

4) Do not be a lazy bum.

Sadly, this post is more of for me than for the readers (lol). But I'll post an update about what happened in the last days of exp mod. I guess that's it for now, I'll be grinding now. B R B

Thursday, December 24, 2009

RO post: Holiday Bossnia Week recap

Like what I said in my previous post, the Bossnia dungeon just came back because of the holiday season. It's just plain wrong to pass out on such a glorious event, so as soon as the servers came up, I didn't waste time and patched the update and headed straight to Bossnia. (I prepared the night before, so that I can hunt as soon as I log in @_@)

(A full post up ahead)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

RO post: - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A -

"The controversial Bossnia Dungeon is open once again! So go boss hunt all you want! ^^

Don't forget to bring your boss hunting survival kits with you, get up to 70% on selected consumables from Dec.16 to 22 only.

(List of IM sale will be posted during maintenance period)

From Dec.16 to 22 only. smile.gif" - GM
 Source -> (LINK to Ragnaboards Announcement)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's back, non-stop boss hunting, sleep deprivation, caffeine overloads. Oh crap! This is like heaven woooooooo~

You guys will probably be seeing more of these soon...

More after the jump ->

RO post: Strangely, I'm not as unlucky as I thought I was...

Just an hour before I made this post, I was playing around in the Dimensional Gorge. I was hunting fragments and crystals of darkness for a client, until something a bit different happened. If you remember one of my older posts about me getting a Diabolus Ring?  Well somehow, I got another one! @_@ (Refer to this link over here >> LINK)
(read more after the break)

Friday, December 11, 2009

RO post: Trying out Fraps on Ragnarok Online. :D

I made this short video just a few hours ago. I downloaded the Fraps software
and wanted to test it, sooo. . .

I decided to show you my Blacksmith, I managed to obtain the item, Medal of Honor(merchant). It gives +5% atk & matk, increases maximum HP by 500 and SP by 50, gives 10% attack speed, and has a low chance of inflicting the curse status on you enemy when dealing physical melee attack.

Okay, just ignore my game junkie talk and enjoy the video :P

I got to the maximum attack speed by only using Adrenaline Rush, Berserk Potion, and the rok shop item Akaraje. Playing with the BS was totally awesoooooome! @_@

Thursday, December 10, 2009

RO post: Something to change the flow of posts.

I decided to post something out of the blue. Don't worry this won't take long, I'll just show you the wonderful time I had with the ultimate evil. . .

OMG!! It's Satan Morroc!! lol @_@
(More after the break ->)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hanging by a thread. . .

- Ranting Mode -
It's all a conspiracy!