Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hanging by a thread. . .

- Ranting Mode -
It's all a conspiracy!

Most of the time when you get too attached to something or someone, you end up doing the craziest of things. Things you probably won't do if you thought about it clearly, yet these "attachments" make them seem right. Even if in the eyes of many its wrong or pointless. At least, that is how I see it.

I've come to understand the life of mediocrity. Born into the world as young child, you slowly learn how to live. Then your mind starts to develop, that's when you start studying for more or less a quarter of your life.

Years will pass. Year into decades, now your labors have bared fruit. You are now expected to work. Be it for yourself or your family, it doesn't matter. If you don't, you will be judged by your invisible peers. But that is a tale for another time.

Fret not, my friend. Life isn't that bad, I'm sure there is a point in someone's life that they get "attached" to someone. To find an inspiration in the form of another being. You care for this "someone", expressing feelings for that "someone", striving to better for that "someone".

The perfect word for this is love. This so called, "love" may just be a product of hormones or another one of man's greatest flaws. Maybe it is, maybe its not. It's all in the eyes who see it. As for me, "love" is what makes life a bit more manageable. "Love" is what saves me from life's cruel jokes.

When you "love" someone, you try your best to make them happy. You'd "love" to spend everyday of the rest of your life together and not think about what lies ahead tomorrow. When you "love" someone, you invest a piece of yourself in the person.

Love isn't bound in this world only. Many people of all genders and ages have invested their "love" into another "world". A world where one can become anyone. A world where one doesn't need be beautiful, rich, popular, or even normal to be accepted. This world, my friend, is called the Internet.

People in this world can live with each other without even seeing each other. You can only know them if they want you to know. And in the same way, they can only know if you let them know. This world of hide and seek, this world of pretend.

A Mask, that is what you let people see. To project an image that you want people to believe as you. These "masks" can truly hide your identity and make a different person out of you.

One can pretend to be someone they're not, one can finally become someone that they wish to be. To achieve perfection is probably more achievable here than in the real world, where pretty much everything is as hard as hell.

As everything in the real world is flawed, so will the "world" be flawed. There is no such thing as perfection. Nothing is "Perfect".

A "bond" based on the "world" will most probably fall apart after some time. A relationship built with lies is bound to collapse. For it to have a chance to last, those people must choose to drop their guises. To remove the mask, and let the light show their true faces.

Once their true faces have been seen, the truth finally sinks in and the rest is up to those people if they should pursue or not.

But there are those who keep their guises, they hide their true selves. Though they show some skin from their face, a cup of truth for every 2 cups of lies. These masked people who mix truths and lie makes their relationships last longer, they say words that please one another, though some of their words aren't true at all. Who can say if they lie or not, their guises are perfect and impenetrable.

You can only know if they want you to.

The problem with this relationship is that, you can't truly know the person behind the mask. Once the bridge that connects you to them breaks down and fades away, there will be no other way to meet each other again. From the start there was no truth, in the end you sit with a head full of lies.

Then again, you did chose to love the mask of the bearer, never knowing if it was the mask or the bearer you loved.

The line has been cut, you are left empty handed. You start to feel once again, painful feelings they are. You feel depressed. You feel horrible. You feel regret. But strangely, you don't feel anger. You desire to see this person again. But you should know by now, nothing was real. You were just playing make believe with your mind. It all was a cruel game we played.

If you've read up to this far, please just ignore this post. This is probably from the lack of sleep and hormones, I guess. I might delete this post in a few days :D

Note II:
Proofread & fixed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like. :) don't delete. haha.

btw, inlove ka kitty? wooooot~ kwento naman. hoho. ;))