Tuesday, December 29, 2009

RO post: Update on the goals

On my last post, I made some goals for the last days of the EXP mod week. It was really a shame that I wasted the earlier days because I'm a lazy bum I was busy back then, but I tried to make the most of the remaining days by cram leveling.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

RO post: A boring exp mod week.

Since Bossnia ended, I had pretty much nothing to do except level up again using my other characters. I'm not really much of a fan of manual grinding, but it's a waste to just let the exp mod pass by without transcending a character.

Goals for the remainder of this week:

1) Get Blacksmith from level 96 to 99 in a day or two.

2) Get Kenji to 95 or higher.

3) Get the priest to 9x. 99 if possible.

4) Do not be a lazy bum.

Sadly, this post is more of for me than for the readers (lol). But I'll post an update about what happened in the last days of exp mod. I guess that's it for now, I'll be grinding now. B R B

Thursday, December 24, 2009

RO post: Holiday Bossnia Week recap

Like what I said in my previous post, the Bossnia dungeon just came back because of the holiday season. It's just plain wrong to pass out on such a glorious event, so as soon as the servers came up, I didn't waste time and patched the update and headed straight to Bossnia. (I prepared the night before, so that I can hunt as soon as I log in @_@)

(A full post up ahead)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

RO post: - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A - B O S S N I A -

"The controversial Bossnia Dungeon is open once again! So go boss hunt all you want! ^^

Don't forget to bring your boss hunting survival kits with you, get up to 70% on selected consumables from Dec.16 to 22 only.

(List of IM sale will be posted during maintenance period)

From Dec.16 to 22 only. smile.gif" - GM
 Source -> (LINK to Ragnaboards Announcement)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's back, non-stop boss hunting, sleep deprivation, caffeine overloads. Oh crap! This is like heaven woooooooo~

You guys will probably be seeing more of these soon...

More after the jump ->

RO post: Strangely, I'm not as unlucky as I thought I was...

Just an hour before I made this post, I was playing around in the Dimensional Gorge. I was hunting fragments and crystals of darkness for a client, until something a bit different happened. If you remember one of my older posts about me getting a Diabolus Ring?  Well somehow, I got another one! @_@ (Refer to this link over here >> LINK)
(read more after the break)

Friday, December 11, 2009

RO post: Trying out Fraps on Ragnarok Online. :D

I made this short video just a few hours ago. I downloaded the Fraps software
and wanted to test it, sooo. . .

I decided to show you my Blacksmith, I managed to obtain the item, Medal of Honor(merchant). It gives +5% atk & matk, increases maximum HP by 500 and SP by 50, gives 10% attack speed, and has a low chance of inflicting the curse status on you enemy when dealing physical melee attack.

Okay, just ignore my game junkie talk and enjoy the video :P

I got to the maximum attack speed by only using Adrenaline Rush, Berserk Potion, and the rok shop item Akaraje. Playing with the BS was totally awesoooooome! @_@

Thursday, December 10, 2009

RO post: Something to change the flow of posts.

I decided to post something out of the blue. Don't worry this won't take long, I'll just show you the wonderful time I had with the ultimate evil. . .

OMG!! It's Satan Morroc!! lol @_@
(More after the break ->)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hanging by a thread. . .

- Ranting Mode -
It's all a conspiracy!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

RO guide: Ash Vacuum, survival on the Manuk Fields

On the last post we talked about the Splendide Field and it's inhabitants, right? Now we're gonna look into the Manuk Fields and try to survive there. This part of the New World is a bit more dangerous than the other side so... err... good luck!? @_@
(More after the break->)

Friday, November 20, 2009

RO guide: Ash Vacuum, survival on the Splendide Fields.

A basic guide to get to the New World and survive there. If you're lucky, you might even get rich! :))

(More after the jump ->)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

RO guide: The Dimensional Gorge...

Hoarse, dark laughter echoes from the curtain of shadow cast by the crimson moon.
"Blood is the currency of the soul," a voice whispers… The haunting whisper escorts the red moon as it descends to earth.
The desert sand is soaked in blood shed by the resurrected Satan.
As the gap of darkness rises from hell, every semblance of safety and sanctuary seems to vanish.
The omen of destruction blooms in the darkness of night in the cold desert.
The evil that can twist the delicate fabric of time and space looms across the land: the greatest peril that the Midgard Continent will ever face has arrived.

The Dimensional Gorge. . .
(More after the break ->)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Reminiscing inspirations.

I really miss those days when I just sat with her, doing nothing but talking. She'd always tell me about her day, I'd try to crack corny jokes, we both laughed. She was always there to give me advices, may it be in-game or what hair cut looks good.

(More after the break ->)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

RO post: Welcome Home Special >:)

Our friend Yurie (Aldrin) here has just recently returned to pRO: New Chaos. He took quite a long break because of a "hacking incident". When he came back, he created new characters from scratch. It was indeed a grueling process but somehow he made it through.

After a few weeks(maybe a month or two), it turns out that his account wasn't really hacked and his items and zeny were still intact. I told him maybe he typed his account details wrong or something. Anyway now he's back and as EBIL! as ever.

(more after the jump)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

RO post: The New Ragnarok Website is so kewl!!

"To all Citizens of Midgard,

As a 6th year anniversary present to our beloved Ragnarok players, we are proud to unveil the new Ragnarok website!

It is a testament of 6 years of fun, excitement, adventures, bond and love. The first and biggest MMORPG in the country is very much alive, going strong and here to stay...because of you, the proud Ragnarok community.

Happy 6th Year Anniversary pRO at sa lahat ng mga tumangkilik sa Philippine Ragnarok online!

Maraming, maraming salamat po!"

Post made by GM anakin from the ragnaboards site.

Check the site out -> www.ragnarok.ph

The improvement to the Ragnarok website is a big deal for us loyal RO players, it shows that Level Up! games acknowledges us, that they want to make our gaming experience better in many aspects.

The site before, to be quite frank, looks horrible, it was like  a pop up add. I often compared the pRO website to iRO(international RO), kRO(korean RO) and the other RO sites. Now I can say that the pRO website is on par with the other RO websites, maybe even better. ahihihihi~

"Ragnarok is like Rok n Roll, It never dies…It’s alive…and forever…"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RO post: Ragnarok Online the first MMORPG in the Philippines.

I've been talking about the game Ragnarok online often in this blog, but to some of the people who don't
know what Ragnarok online is, I'm here to discuss about it and maybe even try to convince you to play :D

(more after the jump)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random Post @__@

Our hero has finished a perilous quest, only the greatest of heroes can accomplish such achievements...

(corny joke up ahead @_@)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

To a friend, from a friend :D

This post is for a friend that I've known for some time now, her name is Paula Po, or more commonly known as ate Pau, though I haven't met her personally, I can say that she is a very kind and caring person, she has helped me in-game, with leveling and moral support. @_@

Sunday, July 26, 2009

RO post: Busy, busy, busy me.. Part 2

WELCOME TO HELL!! just kidding, this is the bossnia dungeon I was talking about in my last post, It is jam packed with lot's of MVPs. I dare you guys, if you can name all of the MVPs here in this shot I'll give you.... something.. bwahahaha @_@

(more after the bumpy jumpy @__@)

Anyway moving on, Bossnia is a great opportunity for an adventure, though it's very costly because of the supplies you use, once you get a rare item, all those supplies you used up won't matter anymore @_@

This place is very tricky, you need a lot of tactics, techniques, dexterity, and prayer that the fallen bishop won't get you while killing an MVP who's loots are expensive.

I went there with my friends, ate Nayumi, ate Pau, and ebils Aldrin. I used my Lord Knight as a secondary tanker, ate Nayumi used her godly Paladin @__@, and ate Pau and Yurie used their biochemists.

We killed a lot of MVPs like Vesper, Baphomet, Orc Hero, Orc Lord, Kiel, and a whole lot more. We couldn't kill those all the time because of competition (Because they drop loots that are very expensive or their card is absolutely awesome.), but thanks to Bossnia, as long as we see them, their ours.

Anyway here are some pictures of Bossnia, check them out :D

(my favorite Snake Lord >:))

(again @__@)

(Me soloing Stormy Knight.)

(Here is my ass being kicked by random MVPs LMAO @__@)

After a day after day of hunting MVPs (No, it doesn't get boring @__@), We got something, something important... bwahahahahah @_____@

While High Wizard Kathyrn was butchering my ass, Amonra appeared next to Yurie and ate Pau. They spammed Acid Bomb until it died, suddenly the most unexpected thing happened.

Amon Ra card... card on the floor... the floor... WTFFFF!! @________@ an Amon Ra card!! (Though I didn't see it on the floor personally, because I got battered by the HW, so no screenie of the actual item on the floor ~__~)

Ate Nayumi was the only one alive at that time because of the High Wizard's damned AoE spells, i think. @_@

So anyway here's a screenie of it.

It costs about 2 billion zeny, since we are four in the party, it became a four way split @__@ 500m ea. bwahahahahah @___@

Ate Pau needed the card so she bought it from us, she paid us 500m ea, then she compounded it on +8 Valkyrian Shoes, she asked me to do it for her. @_@

(I told her that it might explode because of my err.. infamous luck.. @__@)

Anyway, here's a shot of the compounding :D

All in all, everybody was happy. We had quite a good time, even though it was tiring, the effort was worth it. The costs were paid for, we got items we wanted, and we defeated MVPs we don't see everyday. It was a great time :D

Before I end this post I just want to share something...

Ifrit.... Me.... MVP... @___@ (I didn't get the loot because another party was killing it, but hey I'm just thankfull for the exp. I got 73% from it 0__o)

Anyway thanks for dropping by :D expect more to come bwahahaha @_@

Bye for now :P

RO post: Busy, busy, busy me..

I've haven't updated this blog for quite a long time due to the recent events in RO. Level Up! games has activated the Bossnia dungeon once more, in case you don't know what bossnia dungeon is, it is a dungeon filled with different boss type monsters from the Moonlight Flower, the fearsome Beelzebub, to the great Ifrit.

A week before bossnia was released, there was a 2x exp mod event. I used my Lord Knight and lvled up with my friends in Lightharlzen's Biolabs. When I reached level 93, (max level in-game is 99) I thought about lvling my alchemist. My alchemist current level is 77, his build is a brewer build, this build excels in creating potions of all sorts, but it lacks combat skills which made the leveling process suck.

But thanks to Wayne, a level 10 mercenary that Level Up! sold for 10php per 30 minutes, I reached the max level in no time. (I used up a lot of these mercenary scrolls, that I spent all my allowance @_@)

Okay so once I reached 99, I didn't dilly dally anymore, I asked my friend, Mariz, to help me with the transcending process which cost me so much stress and money, (I had to fire Wayne because I thought he wasn't allowed when transcending, but I was wrong. @_@) but I did manage to do it right. I just forgot to allocate the last remaining skill points, my bad. hahahahah @___@

I bought more Wayne scrolls again, and leveled at Ice dungeon with Mariz, I died a few times but I managed to become a high merchant. Mariz had to go because she had to do some things, so I'm on my own. Damn!

After countless hours of never ending leveling, (about four hours I think @___@) I became a biochemist, countless MVPs will be eaten by the great Afro Man! bwahahahaha @___@

I leveled for 30 minutes in the sphinx using that very expensive Wayne, once I unlocked the skill Acid Bomb(level 3, max level 10), I rushed to the Ice Dungeon level 3 and killed ice titans with my super powerfull lvl 3 Acid Bomb bwahahaha! FTW!! @__@

I finally got lvl 10 Acid Bomb, leveling in the Ice Dungeon became a lot easier, I could kill an ice titan with only one throw, which made leveling a lot cheaper. (bottles are expensive @_@)

Once I became capable to wield the proper armor and deal decent damage, I tried boss hunting immediately @__@

I killed Dracula with the help of my friend, ate Nayumi. She helped me in locating Dracula, since the map was so huge. It was my first time to use a biochemist in pRO and it felt good @___@.

I didn't stop there, me and my friends also hunted Orc Lord, they let me become the MVP, thank you very much @__@

Then we hunted Drake,

(It's hard to get that MVP bubble @__@)

Anyway, we went back to our usual hobby of hunting Ktullanux again, some people joined us, I'm not sure if they were trying to help us or trying to kill it for themselves, but still we became MVP and we got all the loot bwahahaha! (No MVP bubble again @__@)

Nice one guys heheh :D

Because this post is getting a bit too long and I'm getting tired (lazy) I'll continue the next half later or tomorrow stay tuned okay :D Thanks for dropping by

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

RO post: Me and my luck

Over upgrading and slot enchantment for me is kinda like gambling, and when I gamble, all I get is "Sorry try your luck next time!". The saying "You win some, you lose some." comes in, but in my case I win some, but I lose a lot. Anyway, this post is about how me and luck hate each other.

Because of my Dark Snake Lord hunting hobby, I got two Gaebolgs. I went to the slot enchanter NPC at Prontera to test my luck.

(Read the npc's speech. @__@)

KABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!! There goes two Gaebolg LOL! @__@

I remembered that I also got a PHD hat from Dark Snake Lord, so I tried to enchant it. Deep down inside me I really knew that it would break because of my infamous luck, but it didn't! How come that useless hat got slotted, but the Gaebolg broke? Anyway, atleast I slotted something. :D

Just recently, Level Up! gave an over upgrading challenge. If you can overup a Black Bunny Band to +7,+8,+9, or +10 you will get MVP cards or rare equipment your choice. My friends were very excited about this event. We all wanted one card...

... the Garm Card!

To get the Garm Card, you need a +8 Black Bunny Band and a Balloon Hat [1]. Both can be purchased at the Cash Seller NPC for Rok points.

I really wanted that card. It's perfect for tanking because of it's effect that freezes anyone that attacks you by 50%, which means tanking MVPs and leveling will be a lot easier. Anyway, I didn't know if I could do it because of my infamous luck, but I tried anyway. @__@

I bought a Black Bunny Band earlier and got 7 normal elunium. I went to Payon's forging area, where I got my +7 Thorny Buckler [1], and tried it. I knew that it was gonna break at +5, so I closed my eyes. After I opened them I saw that it was successful! But I didn't get my hopes up just yet, there were still 2 over ups to go. I closed my eyes again and prayed...

..and here it is

I couldn't believe it! I was sure that it would break. But again, my hopes were still down because this is the step where I usually fail. I closed my eyes again and prayed..


I'm so glad that somehow I reached it this far, just one more and I can get my.. Garm Card.. Anyway, as for now I'm a very happy boy.

LMAO!! @___@ hahahaha

Thanks for dropping by again, I'll post the results tomorrow :D

Saturday, July 11, 2009

RO post:: Dark Snake Lord

(picture from roempire.com)
This fellow over here is quite a hard MVP because of it's ghost element, meaning that most of the MVP-killing skills like Extremity Fist and Acid Bomb wouldn't work against him.

A very good friend of mine gave me a very awesome weapon, it's called a Bloody Eater. Without it, I usually take about 5~7 minutes just to take him down, but now I can kill it faster than before, I take about 3~5 minute now. (Thanks a lot master :D)

Anyway, here's a screenie of it:

I've killed this guy so much that it turned into a hobby, if there wasn't a 1 hour cool down time I'd kill it again and again and again hahaha.

Without further ado, I give you guys the screen shots of...

The [deceased] Dark Snake Lord! (LOL! @_@)







And there it is! I would've gotten more, but I usually don't get the screen shots in time or I don't get them at all, anyway thanks for dropping by :D

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

RO post:MVP mania @__@

These past few days, we have been MVP hunting often, the MVP monsters range from the Moonlight Flower to the great Ktullanux.

The story begins after hunting Incarnations of Morroc, Yurie(Biochemist), wanted to try Ktullanux again, we had the materials to summon him, the resources, and our number was enough to be able to kill him.

The first time we killed him, we were four in the party. Me, Yurie, ate Pau, and ate Nayumi, we died a couple of time, but we managed to take him down. (sorry no screenie of the 1st attempt X_x)

After killing Ktullanux, we hunted more MVPs, they aren't as strong as Ktullanux, but these guys pack a punch. (Do not under estimate!)

Bacsojin/White Lady:


Dark Lord:

(I would've put the screenies of Lord of Death and Gloom Under Night, but they didn't look nice so I'll just take another screenie next time.)

We hunted Ktullanux again, this time it went a bit smoother than the first one. Mariz, another friend of mine helped us, which made thing alot easier. We killed Ktullanux without dying, and this time there's a screenie.

Anyway, that's about it. Thanks for reading :P

(Special thanks to Aldrin, ate Pau, ate Nayumi and Corn :P)